- 本题难度: Medium/Hard
- Topic: Dynamic Programming
Given a string S and a string T, count the number of distinct subsequences of S which equals T.
A subsequence of a string is a new string which is formed from the original string by deleting some (can be none) of the characters without disturbing the relative positions of the remaining characters. (ie, "ACE" is a subsequence of "ABCDE" while "AEC" is not).
Given S = "rabbbit", T = "rabbit", return 3.Challenge
Do it in O(n^2) time and O(n) memory.O(n^2) memory is also acceptable if you do not know how to optimize memory.
class Solution: """ @param S: A string @param T: A string @return: Count the number of distinct subsequences """ def numDistinct(self, S, T): # write your code here ls = len(S) lt = len(T) if lt == 0: return 1 res = [0 for _ in range(ls)] for i in range(ls): if S[i] == T[0]: res[i] = 1 for i in range(1,lt): pre_sum = 0 for j in range(ls): now = res[j] if S[j] == T[i]: res[j] = pre_sum else: res[j] = 0 #忘记更新了 pre_sum += now return sum(res)
一开始想模仿的思路,初始设定空间复杂度为O(n^2) “dp[i][j] 对S中S[:i+1]和T[:j+1]有多少种情况,当S[i]==T[j]时,如“rabb”和“rab”等于“r”和“ra”的情况+1” 但是突然发现新增加的元素可能在前面就会有重复,所以应该分成两部分来看,即“ra”在S各个位置的情况+各个位置之后“b”的情况。 然后我模拟了一下res的变化,发现res的变化很有规律,可以in-place更新。所以空间复杂度变成了O(n)S = "rabbbit", T = "rabbit", r a b b b i tr 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1ra 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1rab 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 3rabb 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 3rabbi 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3rabbit 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
- 时间复杂度: O(mn)
- 空间复杂度: O(n)
- 出错 忘记更新在S[j] != T[i]时的res[i][j]=0